
“The struggle ends when the gratitude begins” – Neale Donald Walsch

In this season of giving Thanks, we consider gratitude. Gratitude comes easily for the good things in our life. Our loved ones, being in nature, or a successful endeavor. Gratitude enhances our appreciation for these things and our energy flows effortlessly.

What happens though when we are faced a challenge? When for example, we get laid off from our job, go through a divorce, or experience a health crisis? Often in these instances we stop the free flow of energy. This shutting down of energy magnifies our struggles. Energy is no longer flowing freely to help us respond (rather than react) to the situation.

Gratitude is very powerful when applied to our challenges. As Neal Donald Walsh states, “the struggle ends when the gratitude begins.” Find this out for yourself. Begin to apply the attitude of gratitude towards the challenges you face and see what unfolds.

Grateful for you,

From the staff at Kirkland Whole Life Clinic