Continuing Medical Education

See our available and upcoming continuing medical education seminars below.

Introduction to Acupoint Injection Therapy (APIT) May 2nd – 4th, 2025 Registration

$1250 (Early Bird $1125 until 04/01/2025)

24-hour live acupuncture continuing medical education course at Bastyr University, Kenmore, WA. NCCAOM approved Acupoint Injection Therapy certification course. Includes 10 hours of hands-on clinical practice. Designed to meet the requirements to practice APIT in the following states: WA, CO, MT, NV, and UT.

Participants will also receive access to 2-hour Epinephrine & Oxygen online pre-requisite course and certificate upon completion, satisfying the requirement to practice Acupoint Injection Therapy in WA state.

Acupoint Injection therapy training, point injection therapy training, acupuncture continuing education, continuing medical education, NCCAOM approved course
Acupoint injection therapy training, APIT, Advanced Acupoint Injection Therapy (APIT), advanced continuing medical education, acupuncture continuing education

Advanced Acupoint Injection Therapy (coming soon!)

This advanced APIT CE course is designed for individuals already certified in Acupoint Injection Therapy (e.g., have completed 24 hour certification) who want to learn more in depth treatment protocols, or those whose state board requires more hours for certification in APIT (e.g., AZ, FL, and SC require 60 hours of training). This is a hybrid course.

This seminar covers advanced techniques, more specific conditions, treatment protocols, and their corresponding injectable substances.

Epinephrine & Oxygen – $100 (coming soon!)

A 2-hour, online CE course designed for those taking our Introduction to APIT course. The price of this course is included when you register for the Intro to APIT course. Topics include the use of epinephrine & oxygen in emergency situations (2 hours).

Those who want/need to take an epinephrine & oxygen course to meet their states’ requirements to practice APIT are welcome to take this course stand-alone online without registering for our Intro to APIT course.

Epinephrine & Oxygen
Treatment of Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction with Extraordinary Vessels, Acupuncture for Pain, Myofascial Pain, Treatment of Myofascial Pain Training, Acupuncture Continuing Education, Continuing Medical Education

Treatment of Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction with Extraordinary Vessels (coming soon!)

This 12-hour CE course will give practitioners the opportunity to deepen their skills and knowledge of how to diagnose and treat myofascial pain and dysfunction.

We will focus on advanced acupuncture techniques including motor and trigger point therapy, the use of extraordinary vessels, distal point selection, palpation and manipulation for common musculoskeletal disorders. We will break down the body into sections and common disorders that affect each section.